It's hard to believe that Peat is almost 1/2 year old! He is 26# now...and still waiting on all of his adult teeth. He is just a marvelous dog and I thank the universe (and Loretta) every day for putting such a great dog in my life....

New Cheviots are here! Drove to Davison, MI this weekend to pickup the new ewes. Along with Astrid and Adelle these ladies are going to be our foundation Cheviot flock. We're very excited! The sheep came from Ugly Dog's Farm owned and operated by Rich Fitz and Wayne Barber ( We were fortunate to find these guys who were such a pleasure to work with. Thanks, Rich and Wayne, we promise to make these girls live up their potential!


"Deer in the headlights" come to mind?

The two chubby new lambs getting a couple of hours on pasture.
Adeline is growing and growing and recently began sporting her very own jacket! Quite cute!

And, Juli had to inspect the new sheep too...from her side the fence...