Here is our new Border Leceister wether, Louie. His sole job on Fiddle Knoll will be to keep our ram company and grow a beautiful fleece! Not too bad of a job! :) He came from Diana Jarnutowski of The Wooly Sock ( in Stephenson, MI. The wax mark on his face is fading now, but was there as a sorting tool when all the lambs were vaccinated.

Naturally, the matriarch of our flock (now Astrid) spent considerable time trying to convince Louie that he didn't belong. Comically, he attached himself to the largest ewe in our flock, one of our Romney ewes, Thelma (the coated ewe below). He follows here everywhere! Since doing so, he must have wore her resistance down and now she accepts that he's her little shadow (emphasis on little!) and she represents a formiddable barrier from Astrid! We look forward to seeing how Louie's fleece turns out next spring!