Sunday, April 5, 2009

April 5th and still snow up to you know where...!

Tally knows that sticking close by a vehicle means an eventual trip to town. Sadly, the old truck won't be making many more of those trips...but until it completely stops the old Ford will remain our trusty truck around the farmAnd monkey see...well, monkey do....
You can see the snow we still of the "worst" winters many can remember according to many "Rumelians"... remind me again why we chose to set up camp here? :) Peat knows no different so makes the best of the snow every day...

And apparently there is ALWAYS something worth finding

The sheep watch Peat who seems clueless he's got an audience...until


Shearing is April is Thelma in her Sheep Suit. Hopefully the weather will get warmer by then....she and the others may in for a rude awakening when they return "naked." We are fortunate to have a shearer that comes to a farm down the road and is willing to shear our small flock if we just transport them that I think about, that may be easier said than actually done....!

Peat is convinced that hard work WILL pay off and one day he will indeed successfully escape his space...Juli would like it...a lot!

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